Articles and Publications
Articles, Books, Chapters in Books: (click on citations in red to read article)
2018: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? Psychoanalytic Dialogues (Vol 28) pp. 432-445.
2016: Psychodynamic Importance of “Cyber” and “In the Flesh” Friends in Psychotherapy with College-Aged Adolescents with Eating Disorders. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
2015 Alexithymia, Affect Regulation and Binge Drinking in College Students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, volume 29, issue 2, pp.132-146.
2015 Social Media and Adolescent Development: Hazards, Pitfalls and Opportunities for Growth. Clinical Social Work Journal, volume 43, pp. 201–208.
2015 Listening to Words, Hearing Feelings: Links Between Eating Disorders and Alexithymia. Clinical Social Work Journal Online.
2015: (co-editor with Holly Starkman) Body Meets Mind: Contemporary 21st Century Perspectives on Eating Disorders and Body Image. Special issue of the Clinical Social Work Journal.
2014 Putting it all together: An integrative approach to psychotherapy with eating disorders. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 21, pp.19-39
2014 Eating problems. In A. Gitterman (Ed.), Handbook of social work with vulnerable and resilient populations (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
2014 Social Media and Adolescent Development: Hazards, Pitfalls and Opportunities for Growth. Clinical Social Work Journal. Doi:10.1007/s10615-014-0501-6
2014 Integration, Connection and Individuation in Shaeffer’s “Transference, Countertransference and Mutuality in Relational Social Work with College
Students” in the Clinical Social Work Journal March 2014, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp 22-26
2011 Guest Editor Special Edition of Clinical Social Work Journal on Integrating Theories in Psychotherapeutic Practice
2009 "Frozen In Time: Idealization and Parent-Blaming in the Therapeutic Process" in Clinical Social Work Journal
2008 “Hidden Eating Disorders: Attachment and Affect Regulation” in Clinical Social Work Journal vol 36, pp.355–365
2003 “Separate but Not Alone: Separation-Individuation Issues in College Students with Eating Disorders in Clinical Social Work Journal
2002 "Clinical Case Study: Adolescents and Separation" in Psychotherapy Networker
2001 “Money as a Tool for Exploring and Negotiating Separateness and Connectedness in the Therapeutic Relationship” in Clinical Social Work Journal
2001“Food For Thought:Thinking, Talking and Feeling in Psychoanalysis with Individuals with Eating Disorders,” chapter in Hungers and Compulsions
2000 "Eat,Shop and Be Merry:Linking Eating and Shopping Disorders" in I Shop, Therefore I Am:Compulsive Buying and the Search For Self, ed.A.Benson. New York:Jason Aronson, Inc.
2000 “The Use of Telephone Therapy in Couples Treatment” and “The Use of Telephone Therapy in Longterm Individual Treatment” in Telephone Therapy, ed. J. Aronson. New York:Jason Aronson, Inc.
1998 "Mother-Daughter Daydreams: Mutuality and Recognition" in Mothers and Daughters , edited by G. Fenchel, Jason Aronson, Publishers.
1998 "Speaking of Feelings: Affects, Language and Psychoanalysis" Psychoanalytic Dialogues vol 8 pp.685-705.
1998 Psyche and Soma: The Body as Canvas. Discussion of “I Made a Picture of My Life — A Life from the Picture: The life of the body in the pictures and writings of Frida Kahlo” by Pirkko Siltala Int. Forum Psychoanal., 7:156-158.
1997 "Using Daydreams in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy" The Clinical Social Work Journal
1995 Issue Editor, Psychoanalytic Inquiry : "Feminine and Masculine Gender Identity," vol. 15, no. l.
1994 "The Use of Group Therapy to Help Women with Eating Disorders Articulate and Differentiate Affect." Group, 18, pp.67‑77.
1993 Conflicts Over Selfishness: One Aspect of Some Women's Wish for a Baby. Psychoanalytic Psychology, vol 10, pp.169-185.
1991 "When the Patient Abuses Food." Using Self Psychology in Psychotherapy, Helene Jackson, ed., Jason Aronson.1990 "Obsessional Thinking as 'Paradoxical Action'." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 54, pp.499‑511.1989 "Separation‑Individuation, Sense of Self, and Bulimia in College Students." The Bulimic College Student: Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention, Leighton Whitaker, ed. The Haworth Press, Inc.
1989 "Blaming the Parent:Psychoanalytic Myth and Langauge." Annual of Psychoanalysis, vol. XVII, pp. 185‑201.
1988 "The Patient as a Selfobject:A Form of Countertransference." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 52, pp.294‑303.
1988 "The Role of Self‑esteem in the Experience of Envy." American Journal of Psychoanalysis, vol. 48, no.3, pp.198‑210.
1988 "The Treatment of Bulimia from a Self Psychological Perspective." Clinical Social Work Journal, vol. 16, no.3, pp.270‑281.
1986 (co-authored with Victoria Wurman) "Group Therapy with Bulimic Women:A Self Psychological Approach". International Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 5, no. 4, pp.735‑745.
1984 (co-authored with M.Rich) "Mental health consultation with owners and their management team in a labor intensive plant". Dynamic Psychotherapy:The Journal of the PostgraduateCenter for Mental Health, vol.2, no.1, pp.78-88.
2018 I Know How You Feel: The Joy and Heartbreak of Friendship in Women's Lives (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
2014 Integrative Clinical Social Work Practice: A Contemporary Perspective (publisher: Springer)
1997 Daydreaming:Unlock the Creative Power of Your Mind Viking, August 1997 (Published in paperback by Penguin, 1998)
Some sample recent posts on Psychology Today:
6 Ways to Deal with Selfish People During Covid-19
9 Rules for Living a Good Life
OK Boomer: You're too old to understand
Some sample recent publications in popular media:
2020: Denying the realty of the coronavirus has made it more dangerous
2020: Why do we love fat cats and dogs but discriminate against fat people?
2019: Toxic masculinity is terrible shorthand for a real problem plaguing men
2019: Why it can be hard to stand up for what's right
2019: Porch pirates have become public enemy number one. Stopping them might require more kindness.
2018: Not Good at Friends: Bringing a Woman’s Friendships into the Frame in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Clinical Social Work Journal, (), 1-7
2018: #MeToo brings out the best--and worst--of women's friendships. Quartz at Work.
2018: How Many Friends Do You Need? Thrive Global
. Online Courses:
2000 “Treating Eating Disorders from an Intersubjective Perspective” Online Course, Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services
2005 “When an Eating Disorder Returns” interactive online case supervision for PSYBC
2008 Eating Disorders, Attachment Theory and Affect Regulation online course for PSYBC
2018: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? Psychoanalytic Dialogues (Vol 28) pp. 432-445.
2016: Psychodynamic Importance of “Cyber” and “In the Flesh” Friends in Psychotherapy with College-Aged Adolescents with Eating Disorders. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
2015 Alexithymia, Affect Regulation and Binge Drinking in College Students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, volume 29, issue 2, pp.132-146.
2015 Social Media and Adolescent Development: Hazards, Pitfalls and Opportunities for Growth. Clinical Social Work Journal, volume 43, pp. 201–208.
2015 Listening to Words, Hearing Feelings: Links Between Eating Disorders and Alexithymia. Clinical Social Work Journal Online.
2015: (co-editor with Holly Starkman) Body Meets Mind: Contemporary 21st Century Perspectives on Eating Disorders and Body Image. Special issue of the Clinical Social Work Journal.
2014 Putting it all together: An integrative approach to psychotherapy with eating disorders. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 21, pp.19-39
2014 Eating problems. In A. Gitterman (Ed.), Handbook of social work with vulnerable and resilient populations (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
2014 Social Media and Adolescent Development: Hazards, Pitfalls and Opportunities for Growth. Clinical Social Work Journal. Doi:10.1007/s10615-014-0501-6
2014 Integration, Connection and Individuation in Shaeffer’s “Transference, Countertransference and Mutuality in Relational Social Work with College
Students” in the Clinical Social Work Journal March 2014, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp 22-26
2011 Guest Editor Special Edition of Clinical Social Work Journal on Integrating Theories in Psychotherapeutic Practice
2009 "Frozen In Time: Idealization and Parent-Blaming in the Therapeutic Process" in Clinical Social Work Journal
2008 “Hidden Eating Disorders: Attachment and Affect Regulation” in Clinical Social Work Journal vol 36, pp.355–365
2003 “Separate but Not Alone: Separation-Individuation Issues in College Students with Eating Disorders in Clinical Social Work Journal
2002 "Clinical Case Study: Adolescents and Separation" in Psychotherapy Networker
2001 “Money as a Tool for Exploring and Negotiating Separateness and Connectedness in the Therapeutic Relationship” in Clinical Social Work Journal
2001“Food For Thought:Thinking, Talking and Feeling in Psychoanalysis with Individuals with Eating Disorders,” chapter in Hungers and Compulsions
2000 "Eat,Shop and Be Merry:Linking Eating and Shopping Disorders" in I Shop, Therefore I Am:Compulsive Buying and the Search For Self, ed.A.Benson. New York:Jason Aronson, Inc.
2000 “The Use of Telephone Therapy in Couples Treatment” and “The Use of Telephone Therapy in Longterm Individual Treatment” in Telephone Therapy, ed. J. Aronson. New York:Jason Aronson, Inc.
1998 "Mother-Daughter Daydreams: Mutuality and Recognition" in Mothers and Daughters , edited by G. Fenchel, Jason Aronson, Publishers.
1998 "Speaking of Feelings: Affects, Language and Psychoanalysis" Psychoanalytic Dialogues vol 8 pp.685-705.
1998 Psyche and Soma: The Body as Canvas. Discussion of “I Made a Picture of My Life — A Life from the Picture: The life of the body in the pictures and writings of Frida Kahlo” by Pirkko Siltala Int. Forum Psychoanal., 7:156-158.
1997 "Using Daydreams in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy" The Clinical Social Work Journal
1995 Issue Editor, Psychoanalytic Inquiry : "Feminine and Masculine Gender Identity," vol. 15, no. l.
1994 "The Use of Group Therapy to Help Women with Eating Disorders Articulate and Differentiate Affect." Group, 18, pp.67‑77.
1993 Conflicts Over Selfishness: One Aspect of Some Women's Wish for a Baby. Psychoanalytic Psychology, vol 10, pp.169-185.
1991 "When the Patient Abuses Food." Using Self Psychology in Psychotherapy, Helene Jackson, ed., Jason Aronson.1990 "Obsessional Thinking as 'Paradoxical Action'." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 54, pp.499‑511.1989 "Separation‑Individuation, Sense of Self, and Bulimia in College Students." The Bulimic College Student: Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention, Leighton Whitaker, ed. The Haworth Press, Inc.
1989 "Blaming the Parent:Psychoanalytic Myth and Langauge." Annual of Psychoanalysis, vol. XVII, pp. 185‑201.
1988 "The Patient as a Selfobject:A Form of Countertransference." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 52, pp.294‑303.
1988 "The Role of Self‑esteem in the Experience of Envy." American Journal of Psychoanalysis, vol. 48, no.3, pp.198‑210.
1988 "The Treatment of Bulimia from a Self Psychological Perspective." Clinical Social Work Journal, vol. 16, no.3, pp.270‑281.
1986 (co-authored with Victoria Wurman) "Group Therapy with Bulimic Women:A Self Psychological Approach". International Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 5, no. 4, pp.735‑745.
1984 (co-authored with M.Rich) "Mental health consultation with owners and their management team in a labor intensive plant". Dynamic Psychotherapy:The Journal of the PostgraduateCenter for Mental Health, vol.2, no.1, pp.78-88.
2018 I Know How You Feel: The Joy and Heartbreak of Friendship in Women's Lives (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
2014 Integrative Clinical Social Work Practice: A Contemporary Perspective (publisher: Springer)
1997 Daydreaming:Unlock the Creative Power of Your Mind Viking, August 1997 (Published in paperback by Penguin, 1998)
Some sample recent posts on Psychology Today:
6 Ways to Deal with Selfish People During Covid-19
9 Rules for Living a Good Life
OK Boomer: You're too old to understand
Some sample recent publications in popular media:
2020: Denying the realty of the coronavirus has made it more dangerous
2020: Why do we love fat cats and dogs but discriminate against fat people?
2019: Toxic masculinity is terrible shorthand for a real problem plaguing men
2019: Why it can be hard to stand up for what's right
2019: Porch pirates have become public enemy number one. Stopping them might require more kindness.
2018: Not Good at Friends: Bringing a Woman’s Friendships into the Frame in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Clinical Social Work Journal, (), 1-7
2018: #MeToo brings out the best--and worst--of women's friendships. Quartz at Work.
2018: How Many Friends Do You Need? Thrive Global
. Online Courses:
2000 “Treating Eating Disorders from an Intersubjective Perspective” Online Course, Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services
2005 “When an Eating Disorder Returns” interactive online case supervision for PSYBC
2008 Eating Disorders, Attachment Theory and Affect Regulation online course for PSYBC